Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ministry Exploration Weekend coming up

Ministry Exploration Weekend - October 19-20

If you are interested in further exploring a call to new areas of ministry in the Church -- lay or ordained -- please make plans to attend the annual Ministry Exploration Weekend to be held at Camp Weed from 5:00 P.M., Friday evening, October 19th, thru Saturday afternoon, October 20th.  The registration deadline is October 4th.   

Anyone 18 years of age or older interested in further exploration of serving Christ in the Church is welcome and encouraged to attend. During this event, participants will hear from laypersons, deacons and priests on the many and diverse areas of ministry within the Church -- with an emphasis on discerning your own call as you may sense God urging you to explore. "Exploration" and "discernment" are central to the weekend's focus.  

While this weekend is a required step in the Diocesan "Journey of Discernment" for aspirants for Holy Orders -- Deacon or Priest -- it is also intended to provide the opportunity for greater clarity for those sensing God's call to potentially new or broader areas of ministry, or perhaps a more focused ministry, but which may yet be unfolding.  The weekend is offered by the Commission on Ministry and guest presenters.

For further information, please contact The Rev. Randall Sartin, Chair, Commission on Ministry, at   To register click here, print the registration form and mail it to the Diocese of Florida (address is on the form).  Please note: you must contact Camp Weed at 386-364-5250 to make your room and meal reservations.

St. Michael's Episcopal Church
4315 NW 23rd Avenue
Gainesville, Florida  32606

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